Author: Matt Goldspink

I'm a web developer based in the UK. I'm currently UI Architect at Vlocity, Inc, developing UI's on the Salesforce platform using a mix of Web Components, Angular.js and Lightning.

SalesforceWay Podcast Interview – Locker Service

I was very fortunate to be invited by Xi, the host of SalesforceWay Podcast, to come on the show and talk about Locker Service. Locker Service is one those of weird technologies that many people don’t fully understand or see the benefit of. In fact I’d go so far as to say that many Salesforce …


Two Way Binding in Lightning Web Components

Two Way Binding in Lightning Web Components

If you are migrating from Angular.js to Lightning Web Components (LWC), one of the first questions you’ll have is about binding. How do I take bind a property from my JS into a form field and have changes in the form field update that property… i.e. how do I do two way binding in LWC?


Getting Started with Lightning Web Components

Salesforce have just announced one of the most exciting changes to the platform and to web development in general: Lightning Web Components (or LWC) This is a new way to write UI code on the Salesforce platform using modern web standards. This means as web developers we can finally write standard HTML, DOM and JavaScript with little to no proprietary syntax. I’m talking about pure ES6 JavaScript classes, import statements, normal DOM Events, Template DOM nodes and more!


Node.js Best Practices

Node.js Best Practices This article was originally published on Node.js has become one of the most popular platforms over the last couple of years. It sure is easy to get started on those Node.js projects, but once you get beyond the basic Hello World app, knowing how to best structure your code and how …


How to Integrate MailChimp with your NodeJS app

How to Integrate MailChimp with your NodeJS app This post was originally published on MailChimp is a well-known email marketing SaaS product. With its generous free tier option, it’s seen as the perfect solution for many startups and small businesses who want to set up and build u their mailing lists. But what many …

Parse Server

Parse Dashboard on Heroku in 3 steps

Parse Dashboard on Heroku in 3 steps This article was originally posted on With the imminent shutdown of Parse, the team behind it have been hard at work open sourcing a replacement in the form of Parse Server. In addition, the team has also open-sourced the Parse Dashboard – the management dashboard that lets …