Category: Featured


How to be an Effective Code Mentor – Part 1: Drop-in Sessions

Originally posted on Codementor Codementor Matt Goldspink has 10+ years of development experience & background in delivering training courses. Having given 120+ sessions at Codementor, he still maintains a 5-star rating. In this article, Matt shares some tips on how to be a great mentor. Signing up to be a CodeMentor is both exciting and …


How to be an Effective Code Mentor – Part 2: Long-term Mentorships

Originally posted on (Codementor)[] This is part two of the “How to be an Effective Codementor” by 5-star Codementor Matt Goldspink. If you need tips on how to be an effective mentor for on-demand drop-in sessions, read part 1 here. In addition to people looking for help with solving their current/urgent coding problems, there are …