Tag: ios


20 iOS Developer Interview Questions

20 iOS Developer Interview Questions This article was originally posted on Codementor.io Getting ready for your iOS interview The big day is coming up. Whether it’s a phone, online or in person interview it is always a little bit stressful. So, to ease the stress you did some prep work- completed the homework on the …


Understanding Async Programming with Starbucks

Understanding Async Programming using Starbucks as an example This article was originally posted on Codementor.io The Pumpkin Spice Latte season is here! So I thought I’d introduce the concepts of Async programming with a little help from the world’s largest Coffee Store I’ve worked and trained with many developers over the years, and I found …

Parse Server

Parse Tutorial: Customizing Your Twitter/Facebook Signup/Login Views

Parse tutorial- part II This article was originally published on Codementor.io All the code for Part 2 is available on github https://github.com/mattgoldspink/swift-parse-login-part2 In the previous tutorial we looked at how we can quickly add Login & Sign Up views to our app using Parse, Facebook and Twitter. In this tutorial, we’ll take what we have …

Parse Server

Parse Tutorial: Adding a Twitter/Facebook Signup/Login to Your iOS App

Parse Tutorial Part I This article was originally posted on Codementor.io. The full code for this Tutorial can be found at https://github.com/mattgoldspink/swift-parse-login-part1 First impressions are everything, so when users download your app, you have to make sure that the first screen they see lets them know this app means business. Setting up a proper signup/login …